
Chick BeVier is the founder and executive director of Camp Eagle Feather (a day camp for boys and girls located in Connecticut) and Camp Eagle Wing (an overnight camp for boys and girls located in Maine).  He has been creating and directing youth programs for forty years.

Chick and his wife, Susan, are the parents of two sons, who, along with their wives, conduct the day-to-day operations of both camps.  Chick and Susan also have five grandchildren, who are all campers.

The BeViers live in Connecticut and Maine.

Because we don't sail alone-sailing - author

Though I didn’t always know it, I am, wonderfully, in debt to many.

The world of the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s was filled with things and people that fooled almost everyone.  To the degree that I was spared much of the foolishness of those decades, I am grateful to my parents, who laid the foundation of my moral education; to men like Dr. Gray, who made me harder to fool (at a time when it was both desperately needed and unfashionable to do so); to those who were fooled and provided, at terrible personal cost, indelible pictures of life gone wrong; to Susan, my wife of more than forty years, who finished the job of making me grow up; and, ultimately, to a loving God, who “in all things . . . works for the good of those who love him.”[1]

The importance of the words “in all things” is immense. No matter how hard it becomes to fool us, we still get fooled. Yet because of this promise, in each failure, and success, we become wise.

[1] Rom. 8:28, NIV